
Personnel administration


No matter if your personnel work on a civil or an employment contract, full-time or part-time, we at "Kartel Consult" will take into account the company specifics and will propose the best possible solution for the administration of your employees.

If you leave the documentation on the movement of the employees to us, you will have more time to focus on the management of your business and to optimize your expenses. We can take on the administration of the personnel as a whole, the work of a particular department or a specific case.

The services we offer include:

  • conclusion of employment contracts, temporary agreements, and their termination;
  • preparation of civil contracts, certificates and accounts for paid amounts;
  • preparation of employment records;
  • preparation of internal company documents;
  • keeping employment records of the employees;
  • management of contracts and salaries;
  • preparation of certificates for social security income and applications for pensionable service (length of service) (Pension Certificate-2 and Pension Certificate-3);
  • preparation and submission of notifications under Art. 62, para. 5 of the Labor Code;
  • processing of documents for temporary occupational incapacity, pregnancy and childbirth; submission in National Social Security Institute;
  • representation of the company regarding State Social Insurance, Health Insurance, and Supplementary Mandatory Pension Insurance before the Labor Inspectorate, the National Revenue Agency and other;
  • intermediary activities in dealing with occupational medicine services.

When and how our consultants will be included in the organization of your activities depends entirely on your preference and need.